• Exhibition view
  • Exhibition view
  • Exhibition view
  • Jin Shangyi, Portrait of Mao Zedong (detail), 1966, Oil on Canvas, 262×137 cm
  • Jin Shangyi, Portrait of Mao Zedong (detail), 1966, Oil on Canvas, 262×137 cm
  • Jin Shangyi Portrait of Mao Zedong, 1966, Oil on Canvas, 262×137 cm
  • Zhang Shujian Slanting Face a Bit,2012, Oil on panel, 30×35 cm
  • Zhang Shujian, Black - 4 (detail), 2012, Pencil on paper, 109×78.5cm
  • Zhang Shujian, Dark Eyes, 2012, Pencil on paper, 160×200cm

Painting: Jin Shangyi & Zhang Shujian

2012.06.21 - 2012.08.11

Artist(s):Jin Shangyi, Zhang Shujian

Curator(s):Tang Xin, Su Wenxiang, Xu Chongbao

Jin Shangyi was born in Jiaozuo, Henan Province in 1934. He graduated from the Department of Painting of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953; after he finished the study in Maksimov’s Oil Painting Training Class, he stayed in the academy and became a teacher. As an artist, the figure painting by Mr. Jin, especially the exploration in portrait painting, deeply influenced the process of Chinese Realistic Painting. As an art educator, since he was transferred to teach in the No.1 Studio of the Department of Oil Painting in 1962 till he was appointed Dean of the department, he has moulded a large number of excellent artists with his colleagues. The teaching revolution and renovation they advocated has become the model of Chinese higher education of art and they have also pushed forward its development.

Zhang Shujian, a young artist who was born in 1987, chose portrait painting as his main creation, just as his predecessor Mr. Jin did. He also graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts. Surprisingly enough, he chose to study in the No.4 Studio, which is known for explorative expressionism. But in the end, he still stuck to the method of Photographic Realism. The artist claimed that he was calmly crazy about the polishing of each step and detail during the process of painting.

Painting: Jin Shangyi and Zhang Shujian is the first exhibition of "Painting Project". It presents the attention and research on realistic painting by Taikang Space. This exhibition showcases 11 paintings by Zhang Shujian, as well as some of Mr. Jin’s works/publications and related documents.

Zhang Shujian was born in Hunan Province in 1987 and graduated in the Department of Oil Painting of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2010. He won several awards in different exhibitions, including the graduation exhibition.

|Painting Project|

"Painting" is the research project of the history and the current status of Chinese modern and contemporary painting launched by Taikang Space. The recognition, exploration and development of a painting language need the historical accumulation of a very long time. Each kind of painting language is inevitably given multiple meanings by different “-ism” in specific time and space. Its core concerns the nature of painting of the art itself. Through examining and arranging of the history of every kind of painting language, Taikang’s “Painting Project” chooses to show the representative works by an old artist and a young artist and studies their different understandings and pursuits for the same painting language, as well as the evolution in the nature of painting embodied by their works.

"Relation between generations” is what this project emphasizes. It is also a comparatively obvious characteristic of this project. The history of Chinese oil painting is only a hundred year long. If we consider it as an entirety macroscopically, we can see several major phases. This project will choose two artists in different phase to compare, one old artist and one young artist. it hopes to discuss the change of the noumenon of painting through examining the difference and relation between generations shown in similar style of painting.

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