• 2013-12-30

    Release of new books

    By the end of 2013, Taikang Space published three sets and five kinds of books in total including Twenty Years between China Guardian and I (Chen Dongsheng, SDX Joint Publishing Company), the 10th anniversary of Taikang Space series (three books in one set: Begin with Taikang Space, From Fuxingmen to Caochangdi: 2003-2013, Non-profit Art Organizations in China (Horizontal River Press, HK) and Exhibition (Horizontal Rivers Press,HK).
  • 2013-12-27

    The curatorial team went to Guangzhou for observation and study

    The picture is Exhibition Hall A: Value Factory (Former Guangdong Float Glass Factory) of  the Urbanism & Architecture Biennale between Shen Zhen and Hong Kong

    During the middle of December,some members from the curatorial team of Taikang Space went to Guangzhou and Shenzhen to observe and study  the artistic ecology of the Pearl River Delta. They visited many artists' studios, curators and made academic exchange with the local art organizations.

  • 2013-12-10

    The discussion among Non-profit art organizations in China Chat Chat Chat...

    “Chat·Chat·Chat…” was a talk programme about Non-profit arts organizations in China which designed by the curatorial team of Taikang Space. Together with the exhibition for the 10th Anniversary of Taikang Space <From Fuxingmen to Caochangdi: Taikang Space 2003-> in the main exhibition hall, we arranged the first floor’s small exhibition hall into a cozy living room.
    We constantly invited 16 important people who were very experienced about the operation of the non-profit art organizations in China to communicate with us during two months (from September to December 2013.)
    We developed a series in-depth dialogue focusing on the problems from interior to exterior and the future possibilities of the organizations with them, and then edited the content into the book Non-profit art organizations in China which was published at the end of 2013. As the rareness of the similar activities and relative publications, it has particular practical significance and academic reference value in these programs and publications.

    Tang Xin (Director of Taikang Space) and Philip Tinari (Director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art),11th,Oct,2013.

  • 2013-10-29

    Media attention about the 10th Anniversary of Taikang Space

    <From Fuxingmen to Caochangdi: Taikang Space 2003- > was a memorial exhibition for the 10thanniversary of Taikang Space. It is a special exhibition for Taikang Space to retrospect and explore the future. Numerous domestic and international media reported the exhibition and wrote features or interviews including the Art NewspaperArtforum.com.cn, Artco(Taiwan),Bazaar Art,The Economic Observer etc. Besides concerning the exhibition itself, moreover, the media also take Taikang Space as a research sample for local non-profit art organizations. It also triggered further discussion and thinking within the art area.
  • 2013-09-28

    Interviews and communications

    For the 10th anniversary of Taikang Space, our media team went to visit and interview 20 seniors who  work  in different  sorts  of  aspects   within  the contemporary   art  fields, including famous artists, curators, critics, collectors, successful institutions directors etc. They all cooperated with Taikang Space in some way  and  offered   a lot  support  and  help. The interview was begin with some specific topics about Taikang Space, and triggered lots  of   discussions   concerning  the development of contemporary art. These contents were sorted  out  and compiled   into Begin with Taikang Space,which was one  of  the  Taikang  Space 's 10th  anniversary  series  publications.

    Meanwhile, start with the academic concept of Taikang Space, retrospection and encouragement, our media team also visited many academics and scholars workingout of the art area for sharing
    and communication during the late 2013.
  • 2013-08-20

    The curatorial team went to Europe for observe and study.

    During the summer of 2013, the curatorial team of Taikang Space went to Italy to visit the Venice Biennale, The Uffizi Gallery, Milan Museum of Design together with some local art museums and international art institutions. 
  • 2013-03-08

    A letter from The Thomas J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    During the last ten years,  Taikang Space published dozens of art books according to exhibitions  and  academy  research, many of these publications are  of high academic and  document values.

    At February 2013, the director of the Thomas J. Watson Library from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, contacted Tang xin (The director of Taikang Space) and hoped Taikang Space to donate its important publications as the reference of researching oriental art and Chinese contemporary art. After our internal discussion and selection, we donated 11 kinds of publications to the library finally. Both the board of trustees and the development department of The Metropolitan Museum of Art sent the donation certification and charitable donations tax certification to us in June,2013. As a kind of academic exchanges and resource sharing,
    it reflected the influence of Taikang Space’s academic achievements and cultural value judgments.